The Karnataka Congress government, led by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, has taken action against individuals allegedly involved in circulating false information on social media. Fabricated news attributed to Siddaramaiah sparked communal tensions. FIRs were filed against seven, including names associated with the BJP-JDS alliance. Siddaramaiah condemned the deceitful tactics.
The Karnataka Congress government, led by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, has taken action against individuals allegedly involved in creating and circulating false information on social media platforms. The perpetrators, allegedly linked to the BJP-JDS alliance, stand accused of fabricating a counterfeit newspaper article to mislead the public.
The incident came to light when concerned citizens reported the dissemination of a deceptive news piece, falsely attributed to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. The fabricated article purportedly contained inflammatory statements, fueling communal tensions and maligning political opponents.
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Expressing stern condemnation, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah emphasized the government's commitment to upholding truth and integrity in public discourse. He warned of severe consequences for those engaged in the dissemination of false information, asserting that legal action would be pursued to bring the perpetrators to justice.
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Subsequently, a First Information Report (FIR) has been filed against seven individuals allegedly involved in the creation and dissemination of the fake news article. The named accounts include Prabhakar Reddy, Vasant Giliyar, Vijay Heragu, Pandu Modi Ka Parivar, BSY Supporters, Davangere BJP, and Datri Goshale.
In response to the incident, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah denounced the tactics employed by political adversaries, labelling them as indicative of intellectual bankruptcy. He lamented the resort to deceitful means for electoral gains, highlighting the imperative of fair and transparent political competition.