Income Tax officials carried out coordinated raids on the residences of prominent political figures in Bengaluru, targeting properties associated with former minister Zameer Ahmed Khan and former MLC M C Venugopal. The raids began early in the morning at JP Nagar, with about 15 officers conducting searches. The operations were conducted discreetly, with no occupants awake during the raid.
In a significant development this morning, Income Tax (IT) officials launched coordinated raids on the residences of prominent figures associated with political circles in Bengaluru. The raids targeted properties linked to former minister Zameer Ahmed Khan and former Member of Legislative Council (MLC) M C Venugopal.
The operations commenced early in the morning, with IT officials descending on the house of JP Nagar. Reports indicate that around 15 officers, arriving in two Innovas, conducted the searches meticulously. Shrouded in secrecy, the raid began at 6:10 a.m. as the officials made their way into the premises discreetly through the main gate.
It is reported that no occupants were awake during the raid, allowing the officials to conduct their investigation without interruption. Since morning, IT officials have meticulously combed through the properties, leaving no stone unturned.