A 23-year-old engineering student’s body was recovered from a pond near his Baranagar house on Monday (October 26) afternoon. The cell phone of Sourav was found near the pond but his wallet and gold chain was missing. Cops have detained three of his friends with whom Sourav had gone out on Sunday.
A 23-year-old engineering student’s body was recovered from a pond near his Baranagar house on Monday (October 26) afternoon. According to reports, the boy went missing on Sunday (October 25). On Monday morning, Sourav's father Aniruddha Sengupta lodged a missing complaint with Baranagar police station.
The cell phone of Sourav was found near the pond but his wallet and gold chain was missing. Cops have detained three of his friends with whom Sourav had gone out on Sunday.
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According to local sources, Sourav Sengupta was a resident of Baranagar's Bhattacharya Para. He was a final-year electronics and telecommunication engineering student.
Sourav's uncle, Bachaspati Bhattacharya said, “On Sunday, he left home around 6.30 pm. He was supposed to return early in the morning. But he didn't. His cell phone was also switched off. “
Around 11 am on Monday, Sourav’s family found his cell phone near the pond. They immediately informed police. The cops sent the divers, but since it was a big pond, initially, his body could not be traced.
Later in the day, around 4 pm, another group of 10 divers brought out Sourav's body.
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Sourav’s friends had initially claimed that they had dropped him near his house early on Monday morning. The family members of Sourav suspect that his friends have robbed him first and then dumped him in the pond.
Ananda Roy, DCP, Zone-II, Barrackpore Commissionerate said, “We have initiated a case of unnatural death. No external injury mark was found. We are waiting for the autopsy report.”