A Border Security Force (BSF) jawan stationed at Uyok Ching, Manipur, delivered a firm and spirited response to members of Kuki groups questioning their presence in the area.
In a powerful display of patriotism and unyielding resolve, a Border Security Force (BSF) jawan stationed at Uyok Ching, Manipur, delivered a firm and spirited response to members of Kuki groups questioning their presence in the area. The exchange, now drawing widespread attention, highlights the unwavering commitment of India’s armed forces to uphold the nation's sovereignty and integrity.
The confrontation began when members of the Kuki community approached the BSF personnel, questioning their deployment. "Why are you here?" one of the representatives reportedly asked. Without hesitation, the jawan replied, "Because this is my country, and we will protect its territorial integrity."
The dialogue didn’t end there. Probing further, the group questioned whether the BSF’s actions were driven by political pressure from New Delhi. Unmoved, the jawan responded with conviction: "Not at all. We will stay here. And we don't have to take consultation from anybody."
Manipur, Imphal:- "BSF Jawan to Kukis at Uyok Ching: 'This is My Country, I Defend India's Integrity'. pic.twitter.com/P8BYpooxFF
— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates)The ongoing unrest in parts of Manipur has brought the BSF and other security forces to the forefront, tasked with maintaining order and addressing territorial concerns. Uyok Ching, a strategically significant location, has seen heightened activity as security personnel work to ensure peace and stability.