In a later tweet, the organisation said both Amazon and Exotic India removed the painting from their websites. It added, "But this is not enough. Both Amazon and Exotic India must tender unconditional apology and pledge not to hurt sentiments of Hindus ever again."
Several social media users expressed their displease on Twitter with Hindu Janajagruti Samiti requesting action against the e-commerce giant for selling a painting of Radha-Krishna that it deemed "obscene". It is reported that the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti submitted a memorandum requesting action against Amazon to Bengaluru’s Subramanya Nagar police station.
The controversial painting was also being sold at Exotic India website as part of Janmashtami sale. It was being sold by Bengaluru-based seller Inkologie on Amazon.
So i told my Hindu friend who works @ Amazon to strike.
He says its Art 🙄
In a tweet, the Hindu organisation also claimed that the painting had been withdrawn by both Amazon and Exotic India after the hashtag "#BoycottAmazon" uproar. Exotic India also posted a tweet attached with an apology, writing, "It was brought to our notice that an inappropriate image was uploaded on our website. The same was brought down immediately. We sincerely apologise, Pls dont #Boycott_ExoticIndia #boycott_exoticlndia… Hare Krsna [sic]".
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One Twitter user claimed, "This is a Kangra painting of the Gita Govinda. 1780. There are hundreds more from the same time. Have you even read the Gita Gobinda? You must have, as an “unapologetic Hindu". Excerpts below. Please ask the government to ban Jayadeva."
According to the Hindu organisation, the same painting was also sold by Exotic India on its website under the Janmashtami sale. Krishna Janmashtami was celebrated on August 18 and 19.
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In a later tweet, the organisation said both Amazon and Exotic India removed the painting from their websites. It added, "But this is not enough. Both Amazon and Exotic India must tender unconditional apology and pledge not to hurt sentiments of Hindus ever again."
On several earlier occasions, Amazon came under fire for allegedly hurting sentiments in India. Last year, it was criticised for selling bikinis having colours of the Karnataka flag and emblem on the Canada site.