In the latest to comment on the Periyar issue, was Tamil Nadu minister Sellu Raju who chose to counter Rajinikanth’s comments by saying that the re-marriage of the actor’s daughter was possible only because of the changes brought out by Periyar
Madurai: The controversial remark of Rajinikanth made days ago still rings in the ears of people in Tamil Nadu. Such is the effect that the actor has. But all has not gone well for him. The massive uproar against the actor’s remark refuses to die down. Among those who intended to make a point was Tamil Nadu minister Sellu Raju, who tried to point out that it was the changes brought out by Periyar that made the re-marriage of Rajinikanth’s daughter possible.
"Rajinikanth arranged the second marriage for his daughter on the principle of Periyar. He should never forget this,” Raju exclaimed, but leaned to the actor’s side when he added, “Rajini, always patient, is being currently misled by someone."
In his speech Raju stated that it was wrong to bring up an incident that occurred 50 years ago and speak about Periya EV Ramasamy's struggle as a matter of pride.
On the 50th anniversary of Tamil magazine 'Thuglak', an event was held on January 14 in Chennai, during which Rajinikanth said, "In 1971, at Salem, Periyar took out a rally in which undressed images of Lord Sri Ramachandramoorthy and Sita—with a garland of sandal—featured and no news outlet published it.
Rajinikanth has been obstinate in refusing to apologise for his statement, despite attempts by many including Puducherry chief minister V Narayanasamy, to urge Rajinikanth to withdraw his statement
Also read: #IStandWithRAJINIKANTH trends; Tamil Nadu Police deployed near superstar's residence amid protests
The Puducherry chief minister said that Rajinikanth should withdraw his opinion to put an end to the controversy and also said it would be good if the actor did not intervene in the controversy.
Police forces were deployed at Rajinikanth's residence at Poes Garden today in light of protests being carried out by the Thanthai Periyar Dravidar Kazhagam.
Members of the Dravidar Vidhuthalai Kazhagam (DVK) have filed a complaint against the veteran actor. They have sought the registration of an FIR against Rajinikanth under Sections 153 (A) of the Indian Penal Code.
(With ANI inputs)