According to the Jammu and Kashmir police, his video, which is against public peace, has generated fear and worry among the general people. According to the police, a FIR has been launched at Safa Kadal Police Station under sections 505 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code.
Faisal Wani, a Kashmir-based YouTuber who acted out the beheading of the suspended BJP spokeswoman Nupur Sharma, was detained on Saturday. Earlier this week, the YouTuber shared a VFX video on social media in which he was shown swinging a sword and subsequently beheading a portrait of Sharma, who has come under criticism in recent days for her disparaging remarks about Prophet Muhammad.
According to the Jammu and Kashmir police, his video, which is against public peace, has generated fear and worry among the general people. According to the police, a FIR has been launched at Safa Kadal Police Station under sections 505 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code.
Wani was arrested immediately after apologising for his video. "Please accept my apologies. I really regret any harm caused by my actions," according to news agency ANI, he said.
Also Read | Prophet remarks row: Delhi Police files FIR in connection with protests outside Jama Masjid
Nupur Sharma has received death threats in recent days as a result of her words. Her remarks have also sparked huge demonstrations across the country, with some calling for her arrest and even the hanging of the former BJP leader.
Sharma has since removed her contentious remarks and apologised, stating that she was reacting to "constant abuse and disrespect towards our Mahadev (Lord Shiva)."
On Sunday, she was suspended from the party. According to the BJP's disciplinary committee, she stated opinions opposite to the party's position on several issues, which is a blatant breach of the party's constitution.
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Protests broke out in West Bengal, Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Jammu & Kashmir on Friday. Protesters stopped highways, pelted stones, burned tyres on roadways, vandalised stores, and set police vehicles on fire in many locations. Sharma had previously filed a case with the Delhi Police's cyber cell unit against many people for death threats and targeted hate directed at her.