The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has detained Maaz Muneer, a suspect in the Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast, following a seven-day interrogation. Another suspect, Shabbir, was also detained. The explosion injured 10 customers, prompting NIA to intensify its probe. Maaz Muneer is also implicated in the Shivamogga trial blast case.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has detained a suspected terrorist, Maaz Muneer, believed to be involved in the recent bomb blast at a cafe in Rameswaram. The arrest follows a thorough seven-day interrogation by the authorities.
The explosion, which rocked Rameshwaram Cafe in Bengaluru, sent shockwaves through the city, leaving 10 customers present in the cafe, injured. Maaz Muneer, a suspect in this heinous act, was taken into custody for questioning, as investigators diligently pieced together evidence to crack the truth behind the attack. Maaz Muneer is the second suspect detained by NIA, following another recent development, where the NIA detained another suspect named Shabir in Ballari, who is believed to have met with the bomber of the case.
Major breakthrough in Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast case, NIA detains suspect in Bellary
Who is Maaz Muneer Ahmed?
Maaz Muneer Ahmed was arrested in September 2022 and held at Parappana Agrahara Central Jail, has been taken into custody by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in connection with the Shivamogga trial blast case. He is also implicated in the Lashkar graffiti case in Mangaluru. Following a seven-day custody granted by a body warrant, NIA will interrogate him further regarding the trial blast incident in Shivamogga, where he is the prime accused.
Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast: NIA suspects 'bomber' hails from Malnad, probe intensifies
Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast case
The explosion which happened on March 1, left at least 10 customers injured, present in the Rameshwaram Cafe in Kundalahalli, Bengaluru. The Ministry of Home Affairs transferred the case to NIA, where they made a significant breakthrough in the case, by detaining two individual suspects named Shabbir from Ballari and another suspect in the Shimoga trial blast case that occurred in 2022, Maaz Muneer. NIA has also released the prime suspect's photo on their official social handles and urged the public to help identify the suspect in the case. They have also announced a Rs 10 lakh cash reward to the people who can help with the identity of the suspect to NIA.