Bengaluru's Suburban Railway project achieves a groundbreaking milestone with a record-setting 31-meter-long U-girder, surpassing prior records in metro construction. This heralds progress in rail infrastructure, specifically the 'Mallige' line's development, vital for Bangalore's Suburban Railway Project. With 450 girders planned for an 8-kilometre stretch.
Bengaluru’s Suburban Railway project has achieved a groundbreaking feat by preparing a record-setting 31-meter-long U-girder, marking a pioneering moment in Indian rail infrastructure. This historic milestone, surpassing the previous record of 28 meters in metro construction, signifies a significant leap forward in the city's rail development initiatives.
The momentous achievement was highlighted by Infrastructure Development Minister M B Patil in a tweet, celebrating the installation of the longest U-girder, a testament to the project's innovation and progress.
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This remarkable engineering feat, crafted at Devanahalli's casting yard, heralds a new era in railway construction. The U-girders, spanning a length of 31 meters, are integral components for the elevated 'Mallige' line between Byyappanahalli-Chikkabanavara, a segment of the Bangalore Suburban Railway Project.
A total of 450 U-girders in the 'U' shape configuration are slated for use along the Mallegi route, covering an extensive 8-kilometre stretch between Yesvantpur and Hebbal. Plans are underway for their prompt installation along this vital corridor.
The construction of each U-girder necessitates 69.5 cubic meters of high-quality M60 concrete, resulting in a robust beam weighing a substantial 178 tons. This innovative approach expedites the installation process and facilitates direct rail installation, streamlining the overall project timeline.
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The pioneering design of the 31-meter U-girder was conceptualized by the Aus System Company, with pivotal contributions from Chennai's IIT and other consulting firms, ensuring stringent quality standards and engineering excellence.
Minister Patil lauded this engineering marvel, acknowledging the technical prowess displayed in crafting the U-girder. State-owned K-Ride maintains a vigilant stewardship, upholding rigorous quality controls throughout the project's execution.