Gujarat-headquartered dairy brand Amul took to Twitter and shared a quirky topical, in which the Amul boy and girl can be seen wearing naval uniform and saluting the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant. Reacting to it, INS Vikrant's official account wrote: “Thank you very much @Amul_Coop. This is such an ‘utterly butterly’ delightful tweet...'
With the legend back in the Indian Navy, India’s first home-made aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant, forayed on social media platform – Twitter --- two days after her commissioning in the force at Kochi by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The congratulations, appreciation and praises have been pouring in from across the country and the globe.
Upon her joining the maritime force, the Gujarat-headquartered dairy brand Amul has also joined the league and shared a quirky topical on twitter. In the topical cartoon, the Amul boy and girl can be seen wearing naval uniform and saluting the aircraft carrier INS Vikrant.
“#Amul Topical: INS Vikrant, India’s first homegrown aircraft carrier, commissioned!,” the caption read.
Also Read | Vikrant not just a warship... It is India's answer to obstacles: PM
Topical: INS Vikrant, India’s first homegrown aircraft carrier, commissioned!
— (@Amul_Coop)In the background, there is new naval ensign which was unveiled by PM Modi during the commissioning ceremony of INS Vikrant on September 2 and said: “Warshipped By Our Armed Forces” and “Amul Carrier of Taste.”
INS Vikrant, which joined Twitter just a day ago replied: “Thank you very much @Amul_Coop. This is such an ‘utterly butterly’ delightful tweet - from the entire crew of R11 - India’s Carrier for all seasons!”. This is such an ‘utterly butterly’ delightful tweet - from the entire crew of R11 - India’s Carrier for all seasons!”
Also Read | Indigenous Aircraft Carrier Vikrant: The journey from steel to ship
Thank you very much . This is such an ‘utterly butterly’ delightful tweet - from the entire crew of R11 - India’s Carrier for all seasons!
— INS Vikrant (@IN_R11Vikrant)With it's induction in the fleet, India has joined a group of elite nations who have constructed heavy aircraft carriers. INS Vikrant has joined the carrier INS Vikramaditya, a refurbished Soviet-era carrier bought from Russia in 2004. With a displacement of over 42,000 tonnes, the Vikrant can carry up to 30 aircraft, including MiG-29K fighter jets and helicopters as well as defensive systems including surface-to-air missiles.