Nitin Sharma and his wife, residents of Sector 10, Gurugram, had adopted a 2-year-old girl and her 4-year-old brother from Kolkata on March 30. However, they left the children back in Kolkata on July 12. They have been booked for allegedly sexually exploiting two minor siblings.
According to authorities, a couplehas been charged with abusing two young siblings they had adopted through a group in Kolkata for over three months before returning them. They said that the issue was discovered while the kids were being examined by a doctor. On November 29, Deepak Sinha filed a complaint at the Rabindra Sarobar police station in Kolkata on behalf of the Indian Society for Rehabilitation.
On March 30, Sector 10 residents Nitin Sharma and his wife adopted a 2-year-old girl and her 4-year-old sibling from Kolkata. However, the lawsuit claims that on July 12, they abandoned the kids in Kolkata.
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According to the police, the matter came to light after the children were medically examined in compliance with orders of government guidelines, PTI reported.
A board of physicians examined the two brothers before returning them to the shelter home where they had been residing before being adopted. According to Sinha's accusation, it was discovered during the medical examination that the youngsters had been sexually exploited. According to the police, a zero FIR was filed based on the complaint at the Rabindra Sarobar police station, and the case file was forwarded to the Gurugram police.
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On December 9, the accused couple was the subject of an FIR. The couple was booked under sections 354 (molestation) and 120-B (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code, section 10 of the POCSO Act and section 75 of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.
"The Kolkata police have some information that we are expecting. Indicted will soon be taken into custody," Sub-Inspector Mukesh Kumari, the investigating officer, stated.
(With PTI inputs)
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