Uttar Pradesh police face backlash after a video showed officers dismissing the grieving family of Ramchandra Maurya, who died in custody, with Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and Akhilesh Yadav condemning the incident.
New Delhi: A video showcasing Uttar Pradesh police officers callously dismissing the grieving family of Ramchandra Maurya, who died in police custody, has surfaced. The video, shared by Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, reveals a circle officer, PP Singh, from Dhaurahara in Lakhimpur, making insensitive remarks to the family.
Ramchandra, a native of Hulasi Purwa village in Lakhimpur Kheri, was allegedly detained by police personnel while collecting firewood. His family alleges that he was brutally beaten in custody, leading to his death. The police, however, claim that Ramchandra suffered a heart attack and was involved in illegal activities.
भारत के संविधान ने दलितों-वंचितों को अधिकार देकर अन्याय-अत्याचार के खिलाफ ताकत दी।
भाजपा राज में न तो संविधान का सम्मान है, न ही वंचित वर्गों के अधिकारों का।
वंचित समाज से आने वाले एक परिवार ने अत्याचार के खिलाफ सवाल उठाया तो भाजपा सरकार की पुलिस का व्यवहार देखिए... pic.twitter.com/eFA1ibHSLz
The family protested, demanding justice, including suspension of the accused police officers, a government job for kin, and Rs 30 lakh in compensation. According to reports, the police forcibly took the body for post-mortem, leading to a confrontation with villagers. The situation escalated, with police deploying forces from multiple stations and using lathicharge to disperse the crowd.
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra condemned the incident, stating that the BJP government's police have no regard for the Constitution or the rights of deprived classes. Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav also shared the video, labeling the BJP as "heartless." After the video surfaced on the internet, there has been widespread outrage against the police attitude and the mistreatment of marginalized communities.