On Thursday, Delhi Police wrote to the concerned authorities seeking a Look Out Circular (LOC) against Shankar Mishra. It is reportedly said that the Delhi Police has sought LOC against Mishra as he is incommunicado and not joining the police investigation.
Shankar Mishra, a man who is accused of urinating on a woman co-passenger onboard an Air India flight on November 26, has been changing locations to evade arrest. It is reportedly said that the Delhi Police is conducting raids in Mumbai and Bengaluru as the accused has his office in these two cities.
The police believe that the accused, who is originally from Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow, could be in Delhi or in Bengaluru.
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Under the influence of alcohol, the accused urinated on his co-passenger, a senior citizen in her seventies, in business class on an Air India flight from New York to New Delhi.
Shankar Mishra is the vice president of the India Chapter of an American multinational financial services company, Wells Fargo, headquartered in California.
On Thursday, Delhi Police wrote to the concerned authorities seeking a Look Out Circular (LOC) against Shankar Mishra. It is reportedly said that the Delhi Police has sought LOC against Mishra as he is incommunicado and not joining the police investigation.
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A case was registered against Shankar Mishra under Indian Penal Code sections 294 (obscene act in public place), 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 509 (word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and 510 (misconduct in public by a drunken person) as well as under Aircraft Rules.