A video has surfaced on social media in which Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Chhattisgarh's Kanker Lok Sabha constituency, Bhojraj Nag was caught abusing a contractor in front of a crowd.
A video has surfaced on social media in which Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Chhattisgarh's Kanker Lok Sabha constituency, Bhojraj Nag was caught abusing a contractor in front of a crowd. The video is being widely shared online.
The video, reportedly from December 28, shows MP Bhojraj Nag talking angrily over the phone during his visit to the Rawghat area. "Re be, se baat karta hai… kaun hai be?" he is heard saying in the video. (Hey, who are you talking to... who are you?). When the person on the other end asked, "Aap kaun hain?" (Who are you?), the MP angrily responded with abusive words, saying, "Tera baap bol raha hoon M@#$%…" (Your father is speaking...). The conversation escalated further, with both sides exchanging heated remarks.
The video contains abusive language. Discretion is advised
Chhattisgarh's MP reprimanded an officer for displaying arrogance.
"Tera Baap Bolra Hu M#₹₹^@^." pic.twitter.com/UizZNvDWuW
According to reports, the argument is believed to have been with contractor Ajay Sahu, regarding pending payments for the MP’s tractors. These payments had been delayed for over a year. The disagreement over this issue reportedly led to the verbal exchange captured in the viral video.