In Uttar Pradesh's Saharanpur, the accused in the Jan Seva Kendra robbery case, Vinny Nagar, has accused the police of a fake encounter. In a video, he claimed that the police framed two innocent youths and underreported the looted amount.
A sensational robbery took place at a Jan Seva Kendra (mini-bank) in Uttar Pradesh's Saharanpur after four masked men, armed with guns, stormed the centre and looted around Rs 1.5 lakh in cash. The incident, which was captured on Jan Seva Kendra's CCTV, showed assailants entering the centre and pointing out their country-made guns at two employees present at the counter.
In a twist to the case, Vinny Nagar, one of the accused involved in the robbery, released a video claiming that the police staged a fake encounter with two innocent youths, falsely implicating them in the robbery. He also stated that the police recovered only Rs 6,900, while claiming to have recovered Rs 25,000.
यूपी : सहारनपुर में 21 दिसंबर को जनसेवा केंद्र पर लूट हुई। संचालक ने डेढ़ लाख रुपए लुटना बताया।
अब एक बदमाश ने अपनी Video जारी करके बताया कि गल्ले में सिर्फ 6900 रुपए मिले थे।
जबकि सहारनपुर पुलिस अब तक 3 बदमाशों को जेल भेजकर 27670 रुपए बरामद भी कर चुकी है।
बदमाश को सुनिए 👇
On December 21, four masked robbers entered Akhilesh Jain's Jan Seva Kendra in the Ambehta Peer area of Saharanpur. Brandishing weapons, they threatened the employees, snatched the cash drawer, and looted Rs 1.5 lakh. The incident was captured on CCTV and the video went viral on social media.
Following the robbery, the police arrested six accused in three separate encounters on December 27. Two of them were shot in the leg and Rs 25,000 were reportedly recovered from them.
Vinny Nagar, the main accused in the robbery, released a video on social media in which he contradicted the police's narrative, stating that only Rs 6,900 was looted, while the police claimed to have recovered Rs 25,000. He also revealed that six robbers were involved, but the police framed Nikhil and Istekhar, who had no connection to the robbery. Nikhil had no money and was there to drink alcohol.
Vinny also disclosed that he had informed the police officer about the robbery beforehand. He told the officer that three robbers were roaming in the village with a pistol and cartridges. Despite this, the officer took no action.
Police claim that eight people were involved in the robbery and five accused have been arrested so far. Dismissing Vinny Nagar's allegations as baseless, the police stated that he is a habitual offender with 19 cases registered against him.
The police maintain that the action taken against the accused was entirely legal and appropriate steps have been taken to ensure their conviction.