New job opening! Elon Musk is looking for AI tutors for xAI, offering up to Rs 5,000 per hour

First Published Oct 19, 2024, 3:30 PM IST

xAI, Elon Musk's AI company, is hiring AI tutors to train their AI systems. The role involves providing high-quality data and feedback to enhance the AI's learning, with pay reaching Rs 5,000 per hour.

Elon Musk’s AI company, xAI, is looking for people to fill a unique role – AI tutors – and the pay is as high as Rs 5,000 per hour. Let's simplify the job description: as an AI teacher, you will contribute to ensuring that xAI's AI systems learn correctly by offering data and comments. In essence, the job is to provide the AI with the appropriate knowledge in the appropriate manner in order to help it get smarter. The LinkedIn job advertisement is now active.

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Details about the job

The goal of xAI is to create AI that can comprehend the world, and your role as a teacher will be to provide that AI with labelled, unambiguous data so it can learn. The chatbots and AI writing helpers people use today are examples of AI systems that are trained using this data to better interpret language. The technical team and the AI tutor will collaborate closely to collect and arrange the data that the AI requires, and the tutor will be in charge of ensuring that the data is of the highest caliber.

Using xAI's software to label or categorize data will be one of the main responsibilities; essentially, you're instructing the AI on the meaning of particular data points.

Along with writing projects that help the AI get better at things like creating text or comprehending language, the tutor will also assist in coming up with new challenges for the AI to learn from.

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Are you a good fit?

xAI is seeking individuals with strong English reading and writing skills for both informal and professional settings. Although you don't need to be an expert in technology, it would be quite beneficial if you have experience in writing or journalism or even just have good research abilities. Because a large portion of your job will entail investigating and identifying content, you'll also need to be adept at delving into information from various sources.

You could be a good fit for this position if you can work independently and make wise choices even when you don't know everything. Furthermore, it's much better if you're an innovator and tech enthusiast!

Salary and other details

After a two-week training session, you can work from home because this position is remote. After you receive training, you will be able to work the hours that work best for you, which will be 9 AM to 5:30 PM. The salary, which ranges from $35 to $65 per hour, or around Rs 5,000 per hour, is really good. In addition, xAI provides perks including dental, vision, and health insurance.

In summary, this may be a fantastic method to make a good living while contributing to the development of AI if you enjoy technology and feel at ease writing and organizing data.

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