Jaya Bachchan made the headlines when she supported the Bollywood industry in her parliamentary speech taking a stand for the industry. She took a dig at the people who are trying to tarnish the industry's image in the ongoing drug row. She is always in the news for making bold statements. Jaya Bachchan never shies away from taking a stand. Let's take a look at 5 shocking statements made by her that grabbed attention.
When Jaya Bachchan wanted to slap Shah Rukh KhanIn 2008 at Katrina Kaif's birthday party Shah Rukh Khan reportedly commented something on Jaya Bachchan's daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. It also started a fight between Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan. When asked about the incident, she reportedly said that she holds it against him if he was at her place, she would have slapped him just like her own son. However, their relationship has nothing sour as of now.
When Jaya Bachchan reacted to Amitabh and Rekha's closenessAmitabh Bachchan, Rekha, and Jaya Bachchan’s love triangle was Bollywood’s most talked-about topics and is still grabbing headlines whenever something happens in their lives. When asked about their closeness she had said, it would be a pity if she starts questioning her husband, she said on Simi Garewal's show. She confessed she does get affected as her son was young and daughter was growing up too, but she handled it well.
When Jaya criticised Abhishek Bachchan's filmJaya Bachchan called son Abhishek Bachchan's film Happy New Year nonsensical.
When Jaya Bachchan took a stand for HindiDuring the music launch of Drona, which starred Abhishek Bachchan, Jaya, and Priyanka Chopra she had said that she would speak in Hindi as she hails from Uttar Pradesh. Her comment was not well-received by Shiv Sena and Raj Thackeray-led MNS party. However, she later aplogised and said, it was said in an innocent manner as she wanted to speak in Hindi on the launch event of a Hindi movie. She would never disrespect the city or its language, that has given her everything until the day of her death
When Jaya Bachchan confessed she was afraid of her husband Amitabh BachchanOn Simi Garewal's chat show, Jaya openly spoke about her relationship with Amitabh Bachchan. She confessed that she was a bit scared of him because according to her, he would have been the only person who could dictate things to her, and she would allow him to do that. She said he would say, and she would ideally do it. She wanted to please him, something that doesn't come to her naturally.