Celebrations and pre-wedding festivities for Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s marriage have begun in full swing at the couple’s Bandra apartment in Mumbai. Their family members and close friends started to arrive at their Pali Hill building ‘Vastu’ on Wednesday afternoon, making the commencement of their much-awaited wedding. Amidst those who arrived at Vastu was Alia Bhatt’s elder sister Pooja Bhatt who came along with their father Mahesh Bhatt.
Pooja Bhatt waved gleefully to the paparazzi, also flashing a sweet file to them who have eagerly been waiting to capture the best moments and shots. When Pooja waved at them, she also flaunted her Mehendi.
Alia Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt are half-sisters; Pooja is the eldest child of Mahesh Bhatt from his first wife Kiran Bhatt, with whom he also has a son, Rahul Bhatt. Alia and Shaheen Bhatt are Mahesh’s daughters with his second wife, Soni Razdan.
Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will reportedly be tying the knot on Friday, February 15. They will be getting married at ‘Vastu’ while Ranbir’s baraat procession will begin from the RK House.