TV actor Abhinav Shukla came out in support of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma as their daughter Vamika received rape, death threats online. Social media saw trolls stooping down to an unbelievable level when they attacked Indian cricketer Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma’s 10-month-old daughter, Vamika.
The trolls started targetting Virat after he supported Mohammad Shami against online bashing. The Indian cricket team has been at the receiving end since they lost the two opening games at the ICC T20 World Cup 2021.
Slamming these trolls, the PK actress hit back saying, it is better to make strong children than repairing the ill-thoughts of grownups. Anushka's post read, “Coach it's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
Yesterday, Delhi Commission for Women initiated strict and immediate action against this shameful act. Meanwhile, taking to Twitter, Bigg Boss 14 contestant Abhinav Shukla wrote, “Threats against a 10-month-old kid by some people is the new low we have achieved!”
This is not the first time an Indian cricketer's little daughter has been at the receiving end. During Indian Premier League 2020, Chennai Super Kings captain MS Dhoni's daughter Ziva also received rape threats following his poor performance.