Kannada actor Rakshit Shetty paid a visit to Ayodhya's Ram Mandir and expressed his immense excitement at seeing Lord Shri Ram through an Instagram post.
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir has become a watershed point in Indian history, bringing enormous joy to numerous Indians, yet only a few were graced with the divine opportunity to see the idol of Ram Lalla firsthand at the inaugural celebration. Days after the consecration event, Kannada actor Rakshit Shetty paid a visit to the Ram Mandir and expressed his immense excitement at seeing Lord Shri Ram. In his note, he wrote, "I've wanted to watch Prana Pratista live since the day of the Prana. I find his eyes real, and I've zoomed in on many of his photographs to see how they can be so lifelike."
He went on to discuss his explanation for how the sculptor created such a lifelike portrayal of the eyes employing an illusionary technique. Further discussing how grateful he feels to have seen Ram Lalla in person, he stated, "Today I got to view him from a distance, as few lucky people do. I got to sit in front of him for almost half an hour and admire him."
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Rakshit Shetty's post
In a nicely ordered series of ideas, Rakshit said that he had never experienced a feeling like this before, saying, "This affection felt different. Perhaps that is what Ram creates out of us. For me, Jesus was more than a deity; he was a living art form." Rakshit Shetty went on to say that this was a heavenly coincidence, recalling a moment in his life. He added, "A few years ago, during lockdown, for some reason, I calculated when I would complete 504 moon cycles." I took note of the date and then completely forgot about it.