A devastating fire broke out at Skypan Apartments in Andheri West, Mumbai, on January 6, claiming one life and injuring another. The blaze, reportedly caused by either an electrical fault or a diya, engulfed two rooms of a flat. Firefighters swiftly responded, deploying eight engines to control the flames
A devastating fire broke out on Monday night at Skypan Apartments, a high-rise building in Shastri Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai, where singer Udit Narayan resides. The incident occurred on January 6 at approximately 9:15 PM, leading to the tragic death of one resident and leaving another injured.
Fire at Skypan Apartments, SAB TV lane, Andheri West.
Shot by a friend from her window.
It's high time Andheri West gets a Fire Station.
Veera Desai Road has so much space. A well equipped center can easily be set up if there's political will. pic.twitter.com/9mGZHuFesv
The Mumbai Fire Brigade promptly responded, deploying eight fire engines to extinguish the flames and evacuate the building. According to reports, the fire claimed the life of 75-year-old Rahul Mishra, a resident of the 11th floor in the other wing of the building. Mishra was rushed to Kokilaben Hospital, where doctors declared him dead upon arrival, attributing his death to asphyxiation caused by smoke inhalation. His relative, Raunak Mishra, who was also in the apartment at the time, sustained serious injuries. The Mumbai Fire Brigade Headquarters in Byculla confirmed Mishra's death and stated that preliminary investigations suggest the fire originated from an electrical appliance in his flat.
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Contrary to this, a bystander at the scene suggested that the fire might have been caused by a diya (oil lamp) whose flame ignited nearby curtains. Reports indicate that Mrs. Mishra ran downstairs, shouting for help. The building's watchmen reportedly rushed to the flat but were unable to prevent the tragedy. Disturbing visuals from the site revealed thick black smoke billowing from the building as flames engulfed two rooms of the apartment.
The Times of India reported that the road leading to the building was cordoned off, and electricity to the area was cut off as a precaution. Firefighters continued cooling operations until late in the night, with shards of metal and glass falling from the affected flat as they worked.