Despite attractive discounts, buying a car in December may not be the best decision. Learn the potential drawbacks and make an informed choice.
Many consider buying a car at the end of the year due to numerous offers.
However, buying a car now has drawbacks. A December 2024 car is a year older than a January 2025 model.
Year-end cars may lack upcoming updates and features.
The manufacturing year significantly impacts car value, affecting resale value.
Cars depreciate over 50% in 5 years. 2024 models will have lower resale value than 2025 models.
You might be stuck with an older model when a newer one is available soon.
Dealerships may offer older, less desirable vehicles with outdated features. Parts for discontinued models may become scarce.
Banks may process loan applications slower. Stricter approvals and higher rates are likely.
Sales quotas lead to pressure tactics and unsuitable deals. December can be busy for registration, causing delays.
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