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Coronavirus: Hair cut, cow dung, urine and special yagna become sough-after remedies

While Wuhan nurses, who are fighting the war against fatal coronavirus, chopped their hair, Hindu Mahasabha president, Swami Chakrapani Maharaj, said cow dung and cow urine could cure the fatal disease

Coronavirus: Hair cut, cow dung, urine and special yagna become sough-after remedies
Bengaluru, First Published Feb 1, 2020, 4:40 PM IST

China-India: Thirty-one nurses at the Western hospital of Wuhan union medical college in China sacrificed their long hair to mark their fight against the fatal virus. According to reports, the short hair reduces the risk of contracting coronavirus and also lowers chances of sweating and breeding bacteria.

Photos and videos of nurses chopping each other's hair went viral on social media. The nurses also can be seen dressed writing their names on the bulky suits to identify each other.

Cow dung, urine and special yagna to cure coronavirus:

As India also reported a positive case of deadly coronavirus, Hindu Mahasabha president, Swami Chakrapani Maharaj, said cow dung and cow urine could cure the fatal disease. He added that a special yagna will be performed to kill coronavirus and end its effect on the world.

He said that the patient should chant Om Namah Shivay and apply cow dung on the body, and thus they will be saved. 

As many as 11,791 confirmed cases of coronavirus have been registered in China and the death toll reached 259 on Saturday, Sputnik reported citing Chinese authorities.

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