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Karnataka: 3 missing children found dead in sewage treatment plant in Vijayapura, families allege negligence

By Vinaykumar PatilFirst Published May 13, 2024, 2:47 PM IST

Three children—Anushka, Vijay, and Mihir—vanished while playing in Gachinakatti Colony, Vijayapur city. They were found dead in a sewage treatment plant after their movements were captured on CCTV. Locals alerted authorities, but the tragedy has sparked outrage among family members, who blame negligence for the incident. Protests have erupted demanding justice and access to retrieve the bodies.

aThree children, Anushka, Vijay, and Mihir, who vanished while playing in Gachinakatti Colony of Karnataka’s Vijayapura city, have been discovered dead in a sewage treatment plant. Their disappearance yesterday afternoon left parents deeply distressed.

The grim discovery was made after the movement of the children was captured on some CCTV cameras. Concerned locals alerted the authorities, prompting the staff of APMC station to initiate a search. A case has been registered at the Vijayapura APMC station in connection with the incident.

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According to reports, the children met a brutal fate after falling into the sewage treatment plant. Family members are outraged, blaming the lack of proper security measures for the tragic incident. Their anger boiled over into clashes with the police, as they demanded justice for the death of their loved ones.

The Vijayapura Corporation officials have come under intense scrutiny and criticism for their alleged negligence in ensuring the safety of the area surrounding the sewage treatment plant. This has sparked protests in the vicinity of the processing plant, with the uproar growing stronger as family members were denied the opportunity to retrieve the bodies of the deceased children.

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