World News
Setting legal minimum ages for marriage is essential to protect girls from early marriage's negative effects. Check out minimum legal marriage age in these middle-eastern countries
Algeria follows a pattern similar to India's. The minimum legal marriage age for Females and Males in Algeria is 18 and 21 respectively
The minimum legal marriage age for Females and Males in Egypt is 16 and 18 respectively, much lower than the one recommended by the UN
Iran has a poor record when it comes to women rights. The minimum legal marriage age for Females and Males in Iran is 13 and 15 respectively
Iraq too has a poor record when it comes to women rights, though the minimum legal marriage age for Females and Males in Iran is 18 for both
The minimum legal marriage age for Females and Males in Jordan is 18 and 18 respectively
The minimum legal marriage age for Females and Males in this North African country of Morocco is 18 and 18 respectively
The minimum legal marriage age for Females and Males in this North African country of Tunisia is 20 and 20 respectively
The minimum legal marriage age for Females and Males in Yemen is 15 and 15 respectively