
8 tips to capture perfect photos on your phone

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1. Lighting is Key:

Use natural light during the day, and in the evening, embrace the warm glow of diyas, candles, and fairy lights for stunning low-light shots.

Image credits: Freepik

2. Clean Your Lens:

Before you start shooting, wipe your phone's camera lens with a clean cloth to ensure your photos are crisp and free from smudges.

Image credits: Freepik

3. Experiment with Angles:

Don't be afraid to get creative with your angles. Shoot from different perspectives to add variety to your Diwali photo collection.

Image credits: Freepik

4. Capture Candid Moments:

Capture candid moments of laughter, affection, and celebration. These images often hold the most emotional value.

Image credits: Freepik

5. Use Burst Mode:

For capturing fast-moving moments, use your phone's burst mode to take a series of photos in quick succession. You can later pick the best shot.

Image credits: Freepik

6. Focus and Exposure:

Tap on the main subject in your frame to set the focus and exposure. Adjust these settings to ensure your subject is well-lit and sharp.

Image credits: Freepik

7. Maintain Background Clarity:

Ensure that the background is clean and clutter-free, so your subject stands out. Use portrait mode or background blur features if available.

Image credits: Freepik

8. Use Burst of Lights:

Capture the moment when fireworks light up the sky. Use the burst mode to capture the entire sequence of a firework's explosion.

Image credits: Freepik
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