
Rafael Nadal top 7 quotes: On humility, competition & perfection

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Be Humble and Authentic

"I always try to be humble and to be myself, and I think I'm doing that."

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Embracing Positivity in Every Challenge

"I'm a positive person and I try to look at the good side of everything."

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Highs and Lows

"You need to accept the ups and downs. Emotionally, I think I'm very balanced."

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Striving to Give His Best Always

"I just try to play my best, that's all."

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Tennis Toughness

"In tennis, you lose a lot. It's a tough sport."

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Passion for the game

"I love the competition. I love the tour. I love the travel."

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Navigating a Challenging Relationship

"I think I've had a good relationship with the press, but it is a challenging relationship."

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