
Arranged or Love Marriage: Which is better?

Arranged or Love Marriage? Clear your confusion

When it comes to marriage, people are often confused about choosing between arranged and love marriage. But Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev) has shared some powerful thoughts. 

The real key to a successful marriage

Sadhguru believes that the success of a marriage depends on how responsibly and understandingly both partners handle the relationship. The method of marriage is not that important.

Arranged marriages are considered old-fashioned

Sadhguru said, nowadays arranged marriage is considered old-fashioned, but the truth is that every marriage is a compromise. It doesn't matter who makes this agreement.

The role of responsibility in marriage

Sadhguru's view: Marriage is not just about how it started, but also about how you manage the relationship. Understanding and responsibility are most important.

Which marriage has more divorces?

Sadhguru's argument: In countries like India where arranged marriages are prevalent, the divorce rate is low. And where love marriage is more common, the divorce rate is higher.

Know yourself and be happy

Sadhguru's advice: If you can control your desires and ego and become a happy and balanced person, then any marriage - arranged or love - can become a source of happiness. 

What is the essence of true marriage?

He married his wife without knowing her but paying attention to her qualities. More important than wealth or attraction is the promise of partnership.

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