
What is the best time in the day to invest in stocks?

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Stock market

The Indian stock market works between 9:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. 

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Ideal time

Intraday traders, or those who buy and sell stocks daily, typically consider 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM to be an appropriate trading period. 

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Stock market

The stock market needs 15 minutes to react to the events that have occurred since its last closing. 

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Stock market

Traders should give it time to respond before buying, holding, or making selling decisions that could otherwise be rash.

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Stock market

The stock market's volatility and trading volume typically fall within an hour and a half of its opening. 

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Stock market

For rookie investors, prolonged exposure to the stock market and its associated charts and graphs on a particular day might result in mental tiredness and disorientation. 

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Stock market

There is a concept that traders should ideally buy stocks on Monday, when their prices are thought to be lowest and sell stocks on Friday, when they are highest.

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Stock market

If this were true, the stock market would be unable to function normally due to a distorted demand-supply paradigm.

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Stock market

As a result, there is no "best trading time of day," but keeping a watch out for inexpensive stocks or specific market movements can certainly help.

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