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Weight loss tips: ICMR reveals 7 ways to drop to extra kilos

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1. Avoid foods with excess oil & more

Avoid packaged foods and foods containing excess oil, salt, sugar, added colours and other additives.

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2. Add fresh vegetables

To maintain proper weight, ICMR says that one must include fresh vegetables in every meal. Consume whole grains, pulses, and beans.

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3. Regular physical activity

Regular physical activity and yoga are crucial to maintain a good health and weight.

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4. Should not be less than 1000 Kcal

Weight reduction diets should not be less than 1000 Kcal per day and should be all-encompassing of nutrients.

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5. Avoid drugs or supplements

One should avoid rapid weight loss and use of anti-obesity drugs.

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6. Snack options

When snacking, reach for nutrient-dense options like a handful of nuts, plain yoghurt, or cut vegetables with some spice added.

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7. Option for healthy cooking

Opt for healthy cooking options like grilling, baking, steaming, or sateuing with minimal oil instead of frying. This reduces the energy density of your meals.

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