Dark circle-reducing foods: Before using that expensive lotion, try these superfoods to decrease dark circles.
Antioxidant-rich vitamin C diets reduce free radical damage. It boosts blood circulation and collagen formation, restoring skin firmness and radiance.
Antioxidants like beta carotene in watermelon enhance eye health. It hydrates with 92% water.
Iron-rich soya beans, red meat, chia seeds, dried apricots, and spinach. Oxygen improves under-eye circles.
Papaya contains vitamin A, which reduces dark circles and fights ageing. It removes dark circles and clears skin as a natural bleaching agent.
Tomatoes improve blood circulation and skin condition under the eyes.
Omega 3, vitamins K and C, and manganese—all essential for eye health—are found in them. It improves ocular circulation and protects blood vessels.
Beetroot's red hue derives from betalain antioxidants that cleanse and protect the eyes. Dilate, magnesium, and vitamin C in beetroot also diminish dark circles.
Dark chocolate includes flavanol, which boosts blood flow and serotonin, which fights fatigue and sleep deprivation.