
Want to be more productive at work? 7 tips

Often one can feel burnt out at work, even before the day is over. The reason is we don’t know how to manage our tasks and time. See here how to manage it all.

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Don’t multitask

When we focus on one task at a time, we actually end up completing all of them faster.

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Taking regular breaks helps concentration and boosts your mood. Maybe walk around the office for a few minutes at intervals throughout the day.

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The ‘two-minute rule’

Completing tasks that take two minutes or less actually saves you time. So, complete these tasks first.

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Smaller goals

If you break up a big project into smaller tasks, it will not feel so overwhelming, you’ll feel more in control and will be much more productive.

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Do the biggest task, when most alert

Don’t push aside big goals because you’re not confident you’ll accomplish them. If you’re a morning person, start with the big tasks.

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Pomodoro technique

You can work in timed sprints of 20-30 minutes. You set a timer and remove all distractions (like notifications) for that time period. You slowly increase your time sprints.

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We often take on work that is outside our remit or can be done far quicker by others. Take a moment to see if someone in your team is a better fit for a task.

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