
Teachers Day 2024: 6 ways to build a good teacher-student bond

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Show genuine interest

Take the time to learn about your student's interests, hobbies, and goals. This helps to establish a personal connection and shows you care.

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Be approachable and available

Encourage students to ask questions and seek help when needed. Be accessible and responsive to their concerns.

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Use positive body language

Maintain eye contact, smile, and use open and welcoming nonverbal cues to create a supportive learning environment.

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Foster a growth mindset

Encourage students to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Emphasize effort and progress over grades and achievement.

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Show empathy and understanding

Be patient and compassionate when students struggle or face difficulties. Offer support and resources to help them overcome obstacles.

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Celebrate student successes

Acknowledge and celebrate students' achievements and progress, no matter how small. This helps build trust and reinforces a positive relationship.

Image credits: Getty
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