
Simple hacks to balance out too much spice in your curry

Chili Reducing Hacks

Mistakes happen in the kitchen, and adding too much chili to a curry is a common one. Here are 8 hacks to tone down the spiciness if your dish turns out too hot.

Add More Water

The easiest solution: add more water to the dish. Your curry might turn out to be watery. If you want, you can thicken it again using a cornflour slurry.

Add Sour Flavor

Acidity can help balance the spiciness. Adding vinegar, lemon, tamarind, or yogurt won't reduce the spice, but it will make the food tastier.

Bulk Up the Dish

An easy way to tone down the heat is by adding starchy vegetables like potatoes. They absorb the flavor and control the spice.

Coconut Milk and Cream

You can use coconut milk and cream in your curry. This adds a creamy texture and balances the spicy flavor. There's no harm in coconut milk.

Add Sweetness

Sweet ingredients like sugar or jaggery can also help. Be careful about how much sweetness you add; otherwise, it will give a weird taste to the curry.

Nut Paste

Cashew paste, walnut paste, or even butter can help. A spoonful of almond or peanut powder will thicken the food and reduce the spiciness.

Starchy Side Dish

Even after doing these, serve it with some starchy side dishes like rice, bread, etc., to manage it better.

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