
Rottweiler to Siberian Husky-7 most expensive dog breeds in India

Due to their rarity and great demand, imported and exotic dog breeds in India were the most costly. India's seven most expensive dog breeds in India

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Tibetan Mastiff

This large and majestic breed is known for its protective nature and thick, luxurious coat. It was one of the most expensive breeds in India.

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Afghan Hound

This elegant and regal-looking breed is prized for its luxurious, silky coat.

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French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are a sought-after breed like the English Bulldogs due to their charming and playful nature.

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Rottweilers are powerful and loyal dogs known for their protective instincts and versatility.

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With their beautiful white coats and friendly demeanour, Samoyeds are in high demand but can be costly.

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Siberian Husky

These lovely dogs, with their striking blue eyes, are a favourite among many, but their popularity often leads to higher prices.

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English Bulldog

Bulldogs are a popular and distinctive breed with a unique appearance, which often makes them expensive.

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