
Rainy Season: 7 plants that are perfect for your monsoon garden

Here are 7 plants that thrive during the monsoon and can enhance your garden.

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These magnificent monsoon blooms will fill your yard with colour and aroma. Asiatic and Oriental lilies thrive in moderate shade and wet soil.

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These resilient flowers are common in Indian gardens and are monsoon-friendly. Marigolds bloom freely and survive severe rainfall, brightening garden areas in orange and yellow.

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Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Snake plants are excellent choices for indoor or outdoor gardens during the monsoon. They are low-maintenance, tolerate low light conditions, and help purify the air.

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Coleus plants thrive in monsoon moisture and have vivid leaves. Shaded garden areas benefit from their brilliant colours.

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Bambusa and Phyllostachys bamboo thrive in monsoons. They thrive in humidity and provide your landscape a tranquil, Asian look.

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Ginger Lily (Hedychium)

Ginger lilies blossom abundantly during the monsoon due to their beautiful blooms and wonderful scent. Perfect for garden borders or pots, they like moderate shade and wet soil.

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Ferns thrive in shade and humidity, making them ideal for monsoon gardens. Their feathery fronds provide a tropical impression. Maidenhair and Bird's nest ferns are popular.

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