Cross check details of cab and driver as given in your ride booking app. Mainly check the driver's name, cab's license plate among other details.
Image credits: Freepik
Share details of journey with friends
Use your ride app to share details of your journey with friends or family members. Most apps have this share option.
Image credits: Freepik
Track your route
Use a GPS app to track your route. This can make you aware of the direction the cab is moving.
Image credits: Freepik
Wear your seatbelt
Buckle up, no matter how short the trip. It is the simplest and most effective way to stay safe in a taxi.
Image credits: Freepik
Keep your valuables close
Make sure you keep your belongings safe, especially the valuables.
Image credits: Freepik
Maintain enough charge in your phone
Keep your phone powered up and easily accessible throughout your journey, in case of emergencies or unexpected situations
Image credits: Freepik
Ensure child lock is disengaged
Before you start your journey, ensure the child safety lock is disengaged, allowing you to exit the vehicle quickly and easily in case of an emergency.