
Nalanda to Vikramshila: 5 historical places of Bihar

Nalanda to Vikramshila ruins stand as a testament to the rich history and cultural significance of Bihar. Let's find out these 5 places of historical importance

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One of the world's oldest universities. It was established during the Gupta dynasty in the 5th century CE and remained a prominent seat of learning for over 700 years

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Founded by King Dharmapala of the Pala dynasty in the late 8th century CE, Vikramshila flourished as a major educational institution of Buddhism

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Mahabodhi Temple

UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India. It is where Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment

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Kesaria Stupa

The stupa is one of the tallest in the world, standing at around 104 feet (approximately 32 meters). It was built during the Gupta period in the 6th century CE

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Vaishali Stupa

It is said to be the place where the Buddha delivered his last sermon before his Mahaparinirvana. The site contains several stupas and relics associated with Buddha's life

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