
Mutton Sukka to Bharli Vangi: 6 tasty Maharashtrian bhaji-bhakri foods

Mutton sukka or dry mutton sabzi, is served with soft tandul or rice flour bhakri. Here is a list of 6 tasty Maharashtrian bhaji-bhakri foods.

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Baingan Bharta-Bhakri

Baingan bharta, cooked in a tempering of mustard, onions and curry leaves, gets served with warm jowar bhakri.

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Chicken Masala-Tandul Bhakri

Spicy chicken masala or semi-dry chicken gravy cooked in garam masala or kala masala is eaten with tandul bhakri.

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Methichi Bhaji-Jwari Bhakri

Methi sabzi, made with dried red chillies and crushed garlic, pairs splendidly with jowar bhakri.

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Pithla has a slightly liquid consistency, almost like gravy and is enjoyed with jowar bhakri.

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Bharli Vangi-Bhakri

Bharli Vangi is a classic dish prepped by using spicy stuffed brinjal served with jowar bhakri and is a tasty combination.

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