
Mojito to Aam Panna: 6 cooling mango mocktails

This recipe uses mango, with basil syrup, sparkling water, basil leaves and mango juice and is a yummy mocktail. Here's a list of 6 cooling mango mocktails.

Image credits: Image: Youtube Video still

Aam Panna

This tasty mango mocktail is a refreshing cool drink. It is made and prepared with mango pulp, pineapple juice, limes and lemonade.

Image credits: Image: Youtube Video still

Mango Mint Cooler

Rustle up this mango yoghurt drink recipe in the summer. This yummy drink uses mango, orange, honey, cardamom powder and yoghurt.

Image credits: Image: Youtube Video still

Mango pineapple mocktail

This simple cooler drink uses mango pulp, pineapple juice, lime juice and lemonade and does beat the summer heat.

Image credits: Image: Youtube Video still

Mango strawberry martini

This cooler uses mango, mint leaves, sprite, strawberries, and chilli powder, and sprite and is a yummy drink to beat the heat.

Image credits: Image: Youtube Video still

Mango mint mocktail

This mango mocktail infused with mint, lemon, soda or passion cordial will make you say bye to your usual cold drink.

Image credits: Image: Youtube Video still
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