Mauni Amavasya falls on Wednesday, January 29th. Performing specific remedies on this day can help avert upcoming crises. These remedies are simple
Bathe in a holy river on Mauni Amavasya morning and recite this mantra for auspicious results
Donation holds special significance on Mauni Amavasya. Donate food, clothes, utensils, etc., to the needy to protect yourself from crises
Perform Shraadh and Tarpan for the peace of your ancestors on Mauni Amavasya to receive their blessings and keep troubles at bay
Invite Brahmins home and offer them food and Dakshina on Mauni Amavasya to maintain peace and harmony in your home
Feed green fodder to cows, offer bread to dogs, and scatter flour balls for fish. Keep grains and water for birds on the roof for auspicious results