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LADIES! Netmeg to your period pain rescue, here's how it can help

Image credits: Freepik

What is netmeg

Nutmeg, a widely used spice, has shown to be a game changer for women who have tried it.

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Menstrual pain relief

Nutmeg's anti-inflammatory qualities can aid with menstruation discomfort. It also controls the menstrual cycle by harmonizing hormones.

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Menstrual pain relief

Nutmeg is also a fantastic treatment for insomnia because it has natural sedative effects that help you fall asleep. 

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Menstrual pain relief

A pinch of nutmeg powder mixed with warm milk before bedtime boosts sleep quality.

Image credits: Freepik

Menstrual pain relief

Nutmeg is very high in digestive qualities and relieves symptoms of flatulence and indigestion. 

Image credits: Freepik

Menstrual pain relief

It also helps to reduce nausea, and nutmeg's anti-inflammatory characteristics make it an effective home cure for stomach ulcers.

Image credits: Freepik
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