
Know some common things between Bengalis and Malayalis

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Kerala & West Bengal share a common political thread- a strong affinity for communism. Similar socio-economic conditions in the past have fostered a lasting appeal among the masses

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Fish Curry

Kerala and West Bengal are coastal states, so their love for fish is not a surprising factor. Both communities have a special affinity for fish, which is a staple in their cuisine.

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From Kerala's toddy shops to Bengal's pub culture, the enthusiasm for liquor is a common bond between the two communities.

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Football is another shared passion that unites Malayalis and Bengalis, with both states boasting a massive fan following for the beautiful game. 

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 For both Malayalis and Bengalis, no meal is complete without the perfect harmony of rice and curry.

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Payasam/Payesh, the quintessential dessert, is another sweet bond between the two cultures. This traditional rice-based pudding is a staple at festivals and celebrations.

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From intricate Kerala-style necklaces to elaborate Bengali bridal adornments, gold jewelry is an integral part of the cultural heritage and tradition in both state.

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Saree lovers

Keralites and Bengalis love their traditional sarees and ladies wear them during major festivals.

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