
Ilish Bhapa to Paturi-7 Ilish dishes to enjoy in Monsoon

Here are seven excellent Ilish mach recipes for the rainy months.

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Ilish Bhapa

Steamed Hilsa cooked in a mustard paste with green chilies and coconut.

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Doi Ilish

Hilsa cooked in a creamy yoghurt-based gravy with spices.

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Ilish Macher Jhol

A light, soupy curry with Hilsa, potatoes, and green chillies.

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Ilish Macher Paturi

Hilsa marinated in mustard and wrapped in banana leaves before steaming.

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Ilish Pulao

Aromatic rice cooked with Hilsa, flavored with spices and saffron.

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Sorse Ilish

Hilsa cooked in a rich mustard sauce with a hint of green chillies.

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Ilish Macher Tok

A tangy Hilsa curry made with tamarind and jaggery.

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