
How to repel mosquitoes during monsoons?

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When it's monsoon season, mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and multiply, leading to many diseases.

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Stagnant water

Stagnant water, contaminated water, and accumulation of water in containers and others should be avoided.

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Keep house and premises clean

If we keep our homes and surroundings clean, we can prevent mosquito nuisance to some extent.

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Ensure that septic tanks and water storage containers are covered

Properly covering and sealing septic tanks and water storage containers is essential to prevent them from becoming mosquito breeding sites.

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Eliminate mosquito larvae

To kill larvae that emerge from eggs, use kerosene or other chemical solutions

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Mosquito nets

Cover doors and windows with mosquito nets. Make sure to close windows before sunset.

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Clove, lemon

Clove and lemon are natural ingredients that can help repel mosquitoes. Inserting clove into small lemons and placing them in rooms can help keep mosquitoes away

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