Discover surprising sources of calcium! Learn about 7 foods richer in calcium than milk. From sardines to tofu, explore diverse options for a calcium-rich diet
Sardines are an excellent source of calcium. Canned sardines with bones contain about 350 mg of calcium per 100 grams, which is more than what's typically found in milk
Tofu, especially if it's made with calcium sulfate, can be a great source of calcium. Firm tofu contains around 350 mg of calcium per half-cup serving
Dark leafy greens like collard greens are rich in calcium. Cooked collard greens contain approximately 200 mg of calcium per cup
Almonds are not only a good source of healthy fats but also of calcium. One ounce of almonds (about 23 nuts) contains around 75 mg of calcium
Sesame seeds are incredibly rich in calcium. Just one tablespoon of sesame seeds contains approximately 88 mg of calcium
Some brands of orange juice are fortified with calcium. A cup of fortified orange juice can contain around 350 mg of calcium, depending on the brand
White beans are another surprising source of calcium. A cup of cooked white beans contains approximately 160 mg of calcium