
5 rivers where real Gold is found

Gold Flows in Rivers

Many rivers around the world are rich in gold. People are often seen panning for gold. Here's information about some of these rivers.

Missouri River

Gold mining occurred in the Missouri River in the United States until the mid-19th century. Locals panned for gold in the river's sand.

Big Hole River

The Big Hole River in Montana, USA, still yields significant amounts of gold. Over $46 million worth of gold has been extracted.

Subarnarekha River (Golden Line River)

Gold particles are found in the Subarnarekha River in Jharkhand, India. Locals collect gold particles, and it's a major source of gold.

Major River of Jharkhand

The Subarnarekha River, also called the Son River, flows through Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Odisha.

Yuba River

The Yuba River in California, USA, contains gold. Its tributaries also carry gold particles, and people often pan for gold here.

Rhine River, Europe

Gold particles are found in some parts of the Rhine River in Europe. Historically, people in Germany and Switzerland searched for gold along its banks.

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