
Don't waste potato peels: 7 smart uses and unexpected benefits

Nutritional Value

Potato peels are rich in nutrients like fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B. Including them in your diet can provide these nutrients.

Natural Fertilizer

Potato peels can be added to compost, which is rich in nutrients like nitrogen and potassium. It becomes a good fertilizer for plants.


You can clean many things with these potato peels. Especially if you rub aluminum utensils and rusty steel utensils with it, they will shine like new ones.


Rubbing potato peels on your skin can provide relief from itching, rashes, or insect bites. It also helps in reducing dark spots.

Shoe Polish

Potato peels can be used to polish shoes. Rubbing the inside of the peels on your shoes will make them shine.

Dark Circles

The antioxidant properties in potato peels can help reduce dark circles under the eyes. For this, keep the peels under your eyes for about 15 minutes.

Healthy Snacks

You can bake potato peels into crispy chips. Sprinkle some spices on it. These are a healthy and delicious snack that is high in fiber.

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