If you've ever been afraid that the plane door might open during the flight, don't worry. It is impossible as it takes as much force as lifting 9000 kg to open it.
Airplanes typically fly at an altitude of 35,000 feet. Flying here makes the air thin, which reduces friction and saves fuel. This saves airlines crores of rupees.
At altitude, temperatures can drop to -50 degrees Celsius, allowing the engine to compress air better and generate more power with less fuel.
Most airplanes can fly safely and land safely even if one engine fails. For example, a Boeing 747 can glide at 17,000 feet without an engine.
The dry air and low pressure in the cabin weaken your sense of taste and smell, which makes the food taste less flavorful. Umami flavor tastes better during the flight.
Airplanes are struck by lightning about once a year, but there is no need to panic. Now airplanes are safe from lightning. No plane has crashed due to lightning since 1967.
The flight between Westray and Papa Westray in Scotland covers a distance of only 2.7 km and is completed in 90 seconds.
The cabin pressure decreases during the flight, which causes the gas present in your body to expand. Because of this, you may feel bloated. This is completely normal.
To avoid food poisoning, airlines advise the pilot and co-pilot to eat different foods. If one pilot falls ill, the other can land safely.
Mobiles do not pose any threat to the aircraft's device. Flight mode is necessary so that the phone's signals do not interfere with the ground network.