
Did you know cosmetic brand Lakme got its name from Goddess Lakshmi?

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Cosmetics brand Lakme

The Indian cosmetics brand Lakme is owned by Hindustan Unilever and is one of the leading beauty products.

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How did Lakme get its name?

Lakme is a French word that refers to the goddess Lakshmi, who is noted for her beauty in mythology. 

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How did Lakme get its name?

This name was suggested by the brand's French partners, Robert Piguet and Renoir.

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How did Lakme get its name?

Léo Delibes' opera Lakme was popular in France, and it was titled after its protagonist, who was inspired by an Indian deity.

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Lakme was founded in 1952 as a 100% subsidiary of Tata Oil Mills when Simone Tata became concerned that Indian women were spending too much money on imported beauty goods.

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